A new kind of normal:
If there was one gift I could offer my younger self, and every other female on this planet, it would be; access to proper education, resources and a real understanding of the female body! I have often dreamt of being able to wave a magic wand, and upon waking one morning, knowing that every female on this planet was totally connected and in tune with her body.

So many young girls struggle with the life-defining phase of their life that is puberty. Menstruation (or even the word itself) holds and carries shame, embarrassment, and trauma for many women and teenagers. What if this narrative could be changed though, and we could offer our children, teenagers and parents something positive that will help empower, educate and change this train of thought or ways of being?

I know I am not the only female on this planet with that dream or hope, and I know there are so many parents and guardians who hold that same thought, that same vision… to guide their daughter(s) through puberty gracefully and effortlessly, so that she can blossom into the beautiful being that she is destined to be.
Sources of information can be misleading.
The web and online social platforms are rife with lots of misleading information these days… Wouldn’t it be great, if you could offer your daughter clear and definitive information on this huge phase of her life, all in one place!
Well, how about you fill in my six-question quiz, and I offer you valuable nuggets of information with a download that you can keep. Click through below to test and see how accurate your own understanding is;
Hi there
My name is Colette Duffy and I’m so pleased to welcome you onto my page!
I am a Post-Primary teacher in Ireland, a registered practicing Nutritional and Holistic therapist and a fully qualified Personal Trainer. I specialize in working with women, both young and old, on menstrual health issues and encourage them to connect back with themselves through nutritional, lifestyle and mindfulness practices.
Years of being misdiagnosed, suffering from constant pain, missing days from work and general low mental health and wellbeing (as a result of my physical illness), led me to take my health into my own hands and get to the bottom of the ‘Menstrual issues’ I was experiencing.
Years of studying, training and delving into various modalities have allowed me to explore and understand my body, the female body, and lead me to where I am today. It is my passion, my dream and my hope, to share my wisdom, my knowledge, my intuition and understanding, with as many people, both young and old, through the platform I have wholeheartedly and mindfully created from the ground up.
I cannot wait, to bring you and your daughter on this journey with me.